Change log

At Redmineflux, we are all about perpetual advancements. Follow our changelog to always stay in the know about any new features, plugins, bug fixes, version updates, & security patches we add to our powerful tool

Agile Board

Get an overview of tasks spread across various teams with Agile Boards. Break down complex projects into smaller tasks for a smooth workflow.

Bug Reporting

The Redmineflux Fluxshot is a powerful Chrome extension that seamlessly integrates with Redmine, revolutionizing the way you capture screenshots and create issues right from your browser. With Redmineflux Fluxshot, you can effortlessly provide feedback, report bugs, and update existing issues without ever leaving your current web page. 


Eliminate the possibility of missing an important step with checklists. Ensure accurate & consistent completion of tasks by automating processes through this plugin. 

Custom Dashboard

Customizable dashboards that give an overview of achievements, & project status. Get real-time insights to facilitate confident & well-informed decision-making.(Charts and Graphs) 


Leverage GIT integration and Build integration. This plugin in Redmineflux also lets you manage CI+CD pipelines. 

Export Issues

Simplify and optimize the export process and facilitate effortless collaboration with an easy-to-use plugin for exporting files.

Gantt Chart

Get a clear view of work completed and milestones achieved over time and track progress with respect to the duration planned for the tasks/achievements.

Help Desk

A feature that helps in aligning & enhancing customer communication. Through this feature, you can receive, organize, respond to, filter, and manage requests.

Inline Editor

Easily edit any parameter or detail, like estimation & due dates. Enable the flexibility of editing issue details without having to switch between windows. 

Issue Template

Efficient issue tracking and project management with customizable templates. Quickly create issue templates to allow for efficient use of resources for achieving project goals.

Knowledge Base

Simplify complicated, messy documentation using this feature for building a comprehensive knowledge base for organized documentation. 


Mention other users in projects, chats, & comments. This feature is helpful in notifying the person & getting their attention regarding a task. 

Project Template

Customizable, beautiful project templates that can be easily tailored to accommodate a project’s unique & specific needs & requirements.  


Tags in Redmineflux facilitate easy organizing, classifying, & prioritizing tasks and comments into logical categories related to teams or clients.  

Testcase Management

Streamline & manage test cases, plans, & execution. The feature is developed to minimize human intervention & ensure efficient comprehensive testing. 

Time Tracker Desktop App

Track the effective work hours automatically. Start the timer when you start working, pause it when you take a break, & resume when you start working again to log in productive hours. 


Keep track of work pending & accomplished for billable clients with systematic time logs & timesheets to ensure on-time project delivery 


Distribute work amongst team members effectively. Get an idea of the workloads on team members to see who is overloaded, occupied, or free.