Redmineflux vs. Jira: A Guide for Project Managers

Table of Contents

In today’s fast-paced, innovation-driven development in the IT industry, project managers need state-of-the-art tools to manage, track the real-time status and deploy product increments faster.  As a project manager, you constantly look for free Jira alternatives and wonder what tools best fit your needs and can give you an edge over competitors.  The goal of a project manager is to focus on delivering timely applications into the market, using resources efficiently and within the budget target. And let’s be serious, no product manager needs more overhead. Nevertheless, the market is full of agile project management tools promising the best features and intuitive interface at no cost. Which tool is the right one for you?

Today’s blog post will explore Redmineflux, a user-friendly Jira alternative, and compare it to the classic project management software Jira. Finding a Jira alternative for small teams is easy since the tool has too many drawbacks to highlight. However, we will stay impartial and compare Redmineflux and Jira’s main features deeply. The blog post will help you decide which project management tools other than Jira best fit your requirements and will help you thrive and get ahead, so stay with us until the end.

Jira: The classic tool for project and team collaboration

The classic project management tool is the cloud-based Jira Software, a well-known tool by experienced project managers in the IT industry. According to Lionel Sujay Vailshery, Jira in Germany alone dominates the project management market with over 46% market share (Statista 2023). As an experienced project manager, you have probably worked with Jira and had ups and downs like every relationship. The Atlassian toolchain offers multiple features, from Scrum-Kanban boards to team collaboration and issue tracking. Moreover, Jira can connect to third-party apps such as Github, BitBucket and Confluence, and if needed an end-to-end integration over the whole development process. Industry experts are very comfortable with Jira since its features are the same, regardless of the size of the team or the company. The positive side is that project managers can onboard team members who can start working immediately without special training.


Jira is a very intuitive tool that allows developers, project managers and administrators to communicate, collaborate and assign tasks to team members to stay on the same page. Furthermore, the Jira user interface is easy to use and has a solid community to support your team. Jira comes with a reporting tool out of the box, so program and project managers can create dashboards to track the current product status and showcase achievements. 

Streamline Project Management with Redmineflux

Redmineflux is a project management tool designed for project leaders whose prime focus is increasing productivity and coordination. The Redmineflux team focusing on innovation created a project management tool specifically for highly dynamic startups, SMBs, and mid-level organizations.

Redmineflux is a SaaS with high availability and security principles, so you can focus on delivering projects and building your business. The plugins available for Redmineflux give leverage to your project management skills to a new level, integrating traceability over user stories on the agile board integration. Furthermore, Redmineflux plugins for time tracking and timesheets are a unique value proposition that will increase your team’s productivity. Moreover, Redmineflux allows you to further increase your productivity by using plugins for Workload, Gantt charts, and the Google Chrome extension Fluxshot. As a project manager, you won’t miss any detail, just take a screenshot and link it to an issue immediately. Additionally, the features enhance collaboration in your team to communicate better and flawlessly so deliveries arrive faster.   

Comparing Features Redmineflux and Jira

Within this particular section, we will undertake a comprehensive comparison between Redmineflux and Jira. Through this analysis, we aim to demonstrate the viability of Redmineflux as a Jira alternative for agile teams.

By examining both platforms’ various features and functionalities, we hope to provide a thorough assessment that will aid IT teams in making an informed decision about which tool to employ for their specific needs. We have also prepared a summary table so you can get a quick overview of the features.

Redmineflux Important Features

  • Issue tracking: Issue tracking is a fundamental feature of Redmineflux, you can classify issues according to its type like bug, feature, task and with this you can easily track the progress of issues and projects.   
  • Agile boards and Gantt Charts: Have you ever heard the question: “When will the feature be delivered?” No worries, Redmineflux has you covered, Kanban boards are interconnected to Gantt Charts, so you can track your deadlines and never miss one again. 
  • Project management: The main goal of a project manager is to deliver value as fast as possible to its customers. Project managers can use Redmineflux to define targets and monitor the progress in a user-friendly interface.   
  • Collaboration tools: Communication is the most important factor in a fast-paced environment. Therefore, Redmineflux integrates features for commenting and tagging your team members so everyone is on the same page. 
  • Reporting: The tool offers project managers features to make decisions based on project data, know how the team performs, and showcase results. 

Jira Most Relevant Features

  • Issue Tracking: Issues are the fundamental feature of Jira. You can classify them (features, epics, bugs) and structure and organize them according to your needs. Also, Jira status makes it possible to track the progress. 
  • Project Management: Project Managers can program customized workflows depending on the project demands and needs. 
  • Kanban / Scrum Boards: The classic Scrum backlog is the primary feature of Jira. It is easy to use, based on templates and out-of-the-box sprints to start working.
  • Roadmaps: Jira Roadmaps help project managers to visualize project deadlines in a time context and communicate them with customers.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The features in Jira are well connected. Therefore, it is possible to use monitoring dashboards to track project status and team performance.
  • Mobile Apps: Jira provides mobile apps for iOS and Android, enabling project management over your mobile device.
  • Integration:  Classic known third-party app integration is offered by Jira in the Marketplace – for example,  Bitbucket, GitHub, and Confluence can be easily integrated into your team workflow.

Feature Comparison Table For Redmineflux vs. Jira




Issue tracking

Creation of issues and assign them to team members with their prorities.

Creation of tickets. It is possible to assign responsibility and priority to the tasks.

Agile boards and Gantt Charts

Support Kanban-style boards and workflow management.

Jira Roadmaps connects to the backlogs and visualizes the status of epics/features in a timeline.

Project management

Creation projects, define objectives and monitor their completion progress.

Project monitoring over Scrum boards (stories and issues status).

Collaboration tools

Tools for collaboration, such as commenting, tagging, and notifications.

Team collaboration is coupled with the business directory. Notification over tagging is possible.


Reporting Plugins for team workload, timesheet, and custom dashboard.

Scrum burndown chart (real-time). Velocity chart and release monitoring.

Mobile Apps

Not Available

Jira provides mobile apps for iOS and Android


Direct Integrations are available at this stage.

Bitbucket, GitHub, Confluence (Atlassian tool). New Trello integration.


Redmineflux will cost just $1.5/User/Month. (If you will go for Redmineflux cloud yearly subscription.)

Depends on the number of users. Premium package for 10 users over $160 per month.

Which tool is better, Redmineflux or Jira?

Like always, it depends on your needs, the team size, the current state of your organization, and, of course, the budget. The main goal of a developer team is to develop and deliver valuable features to its customers rapidly. Therefore, project overhead must be kept at a minimum so project status is visible to all stakeholders. However, classic tools like Jira, used typically in big corporations, bring a lot of overhead. Issue tracking tools other than Jira for IT Teams builds on the drawbacks and offer customers a more diverse and easy-to-use toolchain. Redmineflux  lets customers choose the customized package, so there is no need to pay for idle features. 

Advantages of Jira

As an experienced Project manager, you want the project to move forward, and you don’t want to waste time on training or spend time fixing system issues. Jira is well-known in the industry and is a very intuitive tool that allows developers, project managers, and administrators to collaborate. Basically, Jira looks the same, no matter which company you are working with, which is advantageous for already stable businesses with standard processes. Jira also integrated third-party software, such as Github, and Gitlab or their toolchain Confluence and BitBucket. Lately, Atlassian has tried to revamp the image by integrating Trello into Jira Ecosystem. However, to me, it is not clear which is the project management tool (maybe both?). 

Advantages of Redmineflux

If you are a project manager frustrated by the time-consuming and sometimes overwhelming activity of working with Jira, then maybe Redmineflux is for you. If you are an experienced project manager then you can probably remember being in front of the computer waiting for Jira to update the Backlog or to load the Jira tickets. Maybe you are looking for a Jira alternative with Gantt charts, automation or just a Jira alternative for IT teams. Let me tell you, Redmineflux is a great option if you are a startup or small business, since it has been designed on the open-source. Redmine is open-source and offers a plugin extension model, so the project manager pays for the features they need. 

Although price is not everything, the intuitive and easy-to-use Redmineflux user interface makes onboarding exciting and quick. There is no better motivation than  to get up and run a couple of minutes without having to do endless training. Redmineflux is designed for innovative minds and industry experts, so you can track team’s workload, monitor the project status and collaborate in real-time so no deadline is missed and you can deliver product features as fast as customers think about it.

Let's talk about the price!

Jira offers three leading solutions: work management, service management, and agile and DevOps. As project management, you must integrate the three Jira solutions into your organization. This comes with a cost, a direct higher purchasing costs, and don’t forget about maintenance and support costs. Jira pricing is user-based and depends on the package (standard, premium, and enterprise). Then, how do we compare both pricing methods? Well, you need to compare similar organization sizes. A typical startup, with around 10 employees, will pay for a premium Jira license of over $160 USD per month (not including other applications like Confluence). Now, let’s compare it with the cost of Redmineflux Agile Board solution. The  solution comes with scrum backlogs, customized monitoring options to track your project, and real-time integration to project items. Redmineflux Plugins costs up to $499 USD for lifetime, which is a great saving for a small organization. From the price perspective, it is already clear which tool provides the best fit. Nevertheless, project managers save hidden costs through the intuitive interface, and easy-to-customize features, since users need a very short time since  almost no training is required to get up and running.


This post offers an overview of agile scrum tools for project managers; the particular focus was the comparison of Jira and its alternative for small teams, Redmineflux. While Jira is the classical agile scrum tool and is a well-known tool by experienced project managers in the IT industry, it also has some drawbacks. Atlassian solution is a one-size-fits-all approach; no matter the size of your company, the features, user interface, and workflow are the same. The only thing that scales is the price, so the cost increases as the team gets bigger. Therefore, after our analysis, Jira suits big organizations better with well-established processes. Nevertheless, there are solutions for small companies; the Redmineflux, a Jira alternative solution, is perfect for startups, SMBs, and mid-level organizations

Redmineflux is based on the open-source software solution from Redmine and makes a valuable offer to project managers with its innovation plugin offering. If you are looking for issue-tracking tools other than Jira, a project management tool, it is worth trying Redmineflux. Remember, a project manager focuses on delivering great features rather than getting frustrated with overhead. If you want to get ahead of the competitors and start moving faster, use Redmineflux to automate, track, and monitor your project. You won’t miss a deadline anymore, and your customers will be surprised by your delivery velocity.