Testcase Managment Plugin for Redmine

Create, manage and run test cases while ensuring software quality and functionality.


per year

Testcase Managment Plugin for Redmine

Group 132892

Ensure high performance & quality In projects

Streamline your testing process, ensure better software quality, and provide customizable test cases tailored to your specific needs. Effortlessly manage and track test cases with the Redmineflux Test Case plugin.

Streamlined test case management

Simplify test case creation and tracking for team members.

Enhanced collaboration

Effortless teamwork and communication for better outcomes.


An adaptable and customizable Plugin for Redmine & Redmineflux users.

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Ensure high performance & quality in projects

Streamline your testing process, ensure better software quality, and provide customizable test cases tailored to your specific needs. Effortlessly manage and track test cases with the Redmineflux Test Case plugin.

Streamlined test case management:

 Simplify test case creation and tracking for team members.

Enhanced collaboration

 Effortless teamwork and communication for better outcomes.


An adaptable and customizable Plugin for Redmine & Redmineflux users.

Unleash your testing potential with Redmineflux

Our Test Case plugin helps in streamlining your testing process, ensures better software quality, and provides customizable testing tailored to your specific needs.

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Customizable test case

Create and manage test cases to meet your needs.

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Role-Based access

Custom roles and permissions can be assigned to users, providing access to necessary information for effective task management.

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Test case history

View the detailed history of test cases and test results

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Test case management dashboard

Visualize and analyze test results immediately.

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Group 132996

Testcase Management Plugin Compared To Others

Easy Redmine

  • Clean UI (theme)
  • Advanced System menu & Plugin list
  • Company logo upload option
  • Definable priority colors
  • One-click issue edit

Flux UX Plugin

  • Clean UI (theme)
  • Advanced System menu & Plugin list
  • Company logo upload option
  • Definable priority colors
  • One-click issue edit


  • Clean UI (theme)
  • Advanced System menu & Plugin list
  • Company logo upload option
  • Definable priority colors
  • One-click issue edit


What people are saying!

Getting all of my business data organized in one place is all I wanted. With Redmineflux, I can filter data and simplify my agile operations.


Alfred Fleischer

Project Manager

The Redmineflux Timesheet plugin has made it so much easier for our team to track their time. The ability to easily log time for multiple tasks at once and bulk edit or delete entries is a huge time saver.


Emily Garcia

Project Lead,Spain

Redmineflux Gantt Chart improved visibility and Efficiency, it provides a clear view of tasks, improves communication, & streamlines workflows for faster project completion.


Maria Rodriguez

Team Lead,Rochester,U.S.

Redmineflux has an easy-to-use interface & is easily customizable. It helps active coordination and focuses project resources in one direction.


Marlena Sievers


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Enhance collaboration, elevate productivity, & meet goals with Redmineflux.

Enhance collaboration, elevate productivity, & meet goals with Redmineflux.


Test case management involves creating and managing test cases to ensure the quality and functionality of software products. It is important because it helps identify and fix any issues before the software is released to the end users, ultimately improving the overall user experience.

The Redmineflux Test Case plugin provides comprehensiveness for creating, organizing, and maintaining test cases within the Redmineflux project management tool. It allows users to create test cases, define test plans, execute tests, and track progress – all in one centralized location.

Yes, Redmineflux Test Case plugin is flexible and can be customized to fit your team’s specific testing needs. You can create custom fields, test case templates, and even automate certain testing processes using plugin and integrations.

The Redmineflux Test Case plugin is user-friendly and easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface. While some technical expertise may be helpful for more advanced customizations, basic test case management tasks can be accomplished without any technical expertise.

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